The first few weeks of April have become a major point of reflection for me, since cancer came to our family 9 years ago. In some ways it feels like a lifetime, and sometimes the memories take me right back to those early, uncertain days. Like when I hear of a child we met at RMH passing away after numerous relapses, or a young adult (still her mama’s baby girl) being diagnosed. Or when I’m in a room of about 15 baseball volunteers from our valley and THREE of us are parents of a kid who has had cancer. Childhood cancer is not rare and it is relentless and we need to find safer and more effective treatment protocols so that more kids get to become “long-term survivors” like mine has. “Long term” is only 5 years past diagnosis date, which really isn’t that long at all. Always, ever, so very grateful that we get to watch him grow and live his life to the fullest. Every kid deserves to get a mullet haircut if they so choose. That, he did.

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