Friday, September 16, 2016

He has not forgotten us

My Mama shared these words, or something similar, in the early days after Jaxon's diagnosis. They've been forefront on my mind today. 

This morning brought frightening news from a fellow pediatric leukemia family - a reminder that there is no "good cancer" for a child to have. Their news of a relapse could be the very same for us at any time.

This afternoon we learned tragic news from a family we know through our camp, homeschool, and church communities. They are walking through the dark valley of the sudden loss of an adult son and brother.

For several days this week I have been supporting and praying for a friend who has a very sick little boy ... and there are currently more questions than answers about what's going on in his body.

Tonight as I watch my babies sleep, 
I'm holding to the promise that our God is with us. 
He has not forgotten us. (link)