Thursday, May 22, 2014


(add 2 photos from BCCH)

10:50 am

In the clinic playroom and then enjoying a post-procedure popsicle! Because he had a spinal procedure, he has to lay low for an hour, almost done that now. Watching shows until 11:15 when we should get the green light out of here and head to the ferry!

1:37 pm

We are in line and will board the 3:15 boat to Nanaimo!!!


Home to brothers, Oma, Tucker, friends next door. As it should be.

Other than the smiling, teary faces of our family and friends welcoming us home, the first thing I noticed was the SMELL! It's spring, almost summer! Who knew? There were only a few buds on the trees when I left home 6 weeks ago. I came home to the lush greenery, fresh from a rain shower. It was unbelievable. That's when I realized I haven't been outside for more than about 20 minutes since we left home. This is bliss ... until my hay fever kicks in.

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