Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16

Jax and I had a good sleep. He was surprised to hear it was morning time already. He's starting to experience some jaw pain, a known side effect of the chemo (Vincristine - VCR) he received on Saturday. These folks are very generous with morphine so he's sleeping again, awaiting it to do its thing so he can enjoy his much anticipated bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. Our days are pretty quiet. Lots of playing laughing and eating. Oh my, the eating! Constantly hungry. iPad, iPod, iPhone, Leap Pad, movies, Lego, an inflatable rocket ship ... So far the benefits outweigh the discomforts for him! Tomorrow sometime he will have his second dose of chemo that gets injected into his spinal fluid. The fluid does not show any cancer, but cells can hide there undetected. The injection is necessary to kill any stowaways, as the IV chemo does not cross the blood brain barrier into the nervous system. He will be comfortably sedated for this procedure. Thank you for all the notes of encouragement. Keep 'em coming!

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